Fischer, S., Mrva, V., Neunzert, H., K. Pavlovičová, I., Půtová, B., Řičánek, S., Tjokordová, K., Tomeček, J. (2019). Lubo Kristek: Genius Loci Cobwebbed. Brno: Research Institute of Communication in Art. htps://doi. org/
Lubo Kristek: Genius Loci Cobwebbed
Sonia Fischer, Vlastimil Mrva, Hartfrid Neunzert, Iveta K. Pavlovičová, Barbora Půtová, Svatopluk Řičánek, Kamila Tjokordová, Jaromír Tomeček Research Institute of Communication in Art, 2019 |
The guide through the oeuvre of the sculptor, painter and performer Lubo Kristek in the context of genius loci. The book brings photographs and archive material from the 1940s up to the present. It documents Kristek’s roots, his German period, his creation in the public space or in the sacral environment, his wanderings around the world as well as his returns home, and moreover the Chateau Lubo in Podhradí nad Dyjí and the Kristek House in Brno. It also offers documentation of Kristek’s legendary happenings, the artist’s symbology or critical assemblages. The hardbound book brings a piece of the genius loci from Kristek’s immediate proximity.